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Bloom Energy Fuel Cell Platform Approved to Enter European Market

Bloom Energy’s fuel cell platform is now certified to meet Conformité Européenne (CE) requirements and ship to the European Union (EU) and its growing market for fuel cells and reliable, clean energy. CE certification is a major milestone toward ensuring that Bloom Energy’s fuel cells are available to meet EU energy needs.

The EU will need to scale reliable sources of renewable fuel sources over the next decade to meet the increasing demand for clean and secure energy. Fuel cells can help meet their needs. Bloom Energy’s solid oxide platform is fuel-agnostic, meaning they can pair with natural gas, but also hydrogen, renewables or waste energy to generate low- or zero-emission electricity.

What is CE Certification?

What is CE certification

Manufacturers seeking to sell products in the EU must have CE certification, which assures that a product has met EU health, safety, and environmental requirements.

There is a similar certification process in the United States known as Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) certification. NRTL certification is overseen by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The purpose is to ensure products meet the specifications of applicable product safety standards, including those from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and other standards-writing bodies. Bloom Energy maintains UL certification.

What CE certification means for Bloom Energy

In 2021, Europe had a capacity of 190 megawatts of deployed fuel cells, up over 450 percent from their 41-megawatt capacity in 2018. The market for solid oxide fuel cells in Europe continues to grow. Some countries outside of the European Union accept CE marked imports, including Turkey and the countries of the European Free Trade Association: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

In addition, the countries of Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro have applied for full EU membership and are adopting EU standards. The CE mark can be used until January 1, 2023 in the United Kingdom, where Bloom Energy has already sold its solid oxide platform to Conrad Energy and Electricity North West (Construction and Maintenance) Limited (ENWCML).

Being CE certified means Bloom Energy can immediately provide its fuel-flexible, resilient energy solution to EU customers, including our most cutting-edge solid oxide fuel cell platform. It is the natural next phase in our continued growth, and brings a step closer to providing clean, reliable and affordable energy to people across the world. Bloom Energy will ship the first CE-marked product to the EU this year.

Learn more about Bloom Energy’s entry into the European Market as we chart a course to decarbonize the marine industry.

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